We would like to highlight how easy and gracious folks were to work with in the placement of 11 pups whelped by our Chica on December 29, 2019. Eight of the eleven pups all went to new homes in the course of 3 days at the end of February, and the other three to their new homes shortly thereafter. For that to work well with a big litter is a bit of a challenge for everyone, and here's why. We arrange for buyers to pick up their puppy in the order their deposits were placed with us. This occurs over the course of the first weekend after the pups are 8 weeks of age. For instance, the buyer with first pick of the females arrives first, the buyer with second pick of the females arrives second and so on. This system is not perfect (there isn't one...) but we like it because it gives buyers the ability to chose their pup in person based on the longest practical period of physical and cognitive development for the puppy. In scheduling this, we try to allow plenty of time for each buyer to observe all the pups from which they have to pick. With this system, or any other, there will be circumstances where a buyer must chose remotely, or offer their first, second or third choices. We will do what makes that fit for the buyer while being fair to every one else.
So, thank you to friends new and old in Indiana, New Hampshire, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina, Vermont and various places in New York. We would particularly like to thank Cora, Claire and Elena Meyers, along with their parents, who displayed exceptional patience, charm and teamwork in the daunting task of selecting their one pup from the 6 males available on the morning of their visit. Young ladies, Finn is a lucky pup to have you to grow up with!
